Browsing: TZB


Google is taking action against algorithmically generated spam. The search engine giant just announced ” is an especially grim type of digital piracy, where people attempt to make money by scraping and republishing death notices, sometimes on social platforms like ” to churn out endless articles to game Google rankings. The spike in domain squatting


Since Robert F. Kennedy Jr. first announced his longshot presidential bid, his campaign has leaned into ” that used an apparent loophole to get around “. WIRED reporting found that rather than tapping into OpenAI directly, the Kennedy campaign chatbot used Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service through a third-party provider called LiveChatAI. Azure OpenAI Service lets


This week a startup called ” program called Devin performing work usually done by well-paid software engineers. Chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini can generate code, but Devin went further, planning how to solve a problem, writing the code, and then testing and implementing it. Devin’s creators brand it as an “AI software developer.” When asked


Despite “, the son-in-law of right-wing pundit Dinesh D’Souza and promoter of the debunked 2000 Mules film. Going into this year’s elections, claims of election fraud remain a staple for candidates running on the right, fueled by dis- and misinformation, both online and off. And the advent of generative AI has the potential to make


The sun is peeking out behind the clouds and the birds are singing. That can only mean one thing: developer season is nearly upon us. While the rest of you are out there touching the proverbial and literal grass, the world’s developers are jamming into conference halls to find out what the next year holds

Stashpad, a developer-focused “DM to yourself”-styled notebook app, is now pivoting to a docs app that you can use without logging in. The company will still maintain its original notes app and call it “Stashpad Lists.” StashPad Docs is the company’s new offering that doesn’t require any login and supports Markdown formatting. The product is


In this scenario, do you still pull the lever and sacrifice the person with the higher Ethical Score to save the five people with lower scores? Or do you allow the trolley to continue on its course, killing the five people with lower scores? This twist adds an extra layer of complexity to the original