Browsing: Startups


This week a startup called ” program called Devin performing work usually done by well-paid software engineers. Chatbots like ChatGPT and Gemini can generate code, but Devin went further, planning how to solve a problem, writing the code, and then testing and implementing it. Devin’s creators brand it as an “AI software developer.” When asked

Stashpad, a developer-focused “DM to yourself”-styled notebook app, is now pivoting to a docs app that you can use without logging in. The company will still maintain its original notes app and call it “Stashpad Lists.” StashPad Docs is the company’s new offering that doesn’t require any login and supports Markdown formatting. The product is

23andMe has been a lot of things throughout its history. Founded in 2006, ” after a “. Valued at $6 billion in 2021 when it went public, 23andMe now risks being delisted from the Nasdaq as its stock continues to trade below $1 a share.”And like many Silicon Valley startups, it’s still working out how