Browsing: Computing


Google is taking action against algorithmically generated spam. The search engine giant just announced ” is an especially grim type of digital piracy, where people attempt to make money by scraping and republishing death notices, sometimes on social platforms like ” to churn out endless articles to game Google rankings. The spike in domain squatting

Quick SummaryApple is reportedly working on its M4 chip, but is unlikely to announce anything solid too soon. However, an industry expert has suggested that the next MacBook Pro featuring the new silicon is already in development. Time waits for no one, and it particularly doesn’t hang around where computing is concerned.  Case in point


Goat Simulator 3 is a surreal video game in which players take domesticated ungulates on a series of implausible adventures, sometimes involving jetpacks. That might seem an unlikely venue for the next big leap in artificial intelligence, but Google DeepMind today revealed an AI program capable of learning how to complete tasks in a number