Browsing: Space

SpaceX’s Starship failed its test flight this morning when the automated flight termination system triggered, and engineers lost contact with the craft about 10 minutes into its journey. This marks the company’s second attempt at sending a Starship on a near-orbital trip, a 90-minute voyage that would have gone almost around the world. An initial

It’s hard to believe that just four decades ago, we had no idea whether planets existed outside our solar system. “In 2017 Dr. Christiansen, along with Dr. Ian Crossfield, was instrumental in ensuring that the planet-hunting data from ” was made public. This ensured citizen scientists could become planet hunters. As a project scientist on

The original version of “In the dark dimension’s universe, one of those extra dimensions is significantly larger than the others. Instead of being 100 million trillion times smaller than the diameter of a proton, it measures about 1 micron across—minute by everyday standards, but enormous compared to the others. Massive particles that carry the gravitational

Voyager 1 is still alive out there, barreling into the cosmos more than 15 billion miles away. However, a computer problem has kept the mission’s loyal support team in Southern California from knowing much more about the status of one of NASA’s longest-lived spacecraft. The computer glitch cropped up on November 14, and it affected

In the beginning there was only one. It looked like an aluminum beach ball with four car antennas sticking out. Stuffed with radio transmitters, history’s first human-made satellite emitted a spectral beeping signal from its solitary orbit for just three weeks before its batteries died. That was enough to terrify the world. The Soviet Union’s

But what, then, were those programs? Herein lies the most intriguing—and potentially ground-breaking—question that the Pentagon study leaves us wondering: What exactly are the secret compartmentalized programs that the whistleblowers and government witnesses misidentified as being related to UAP technology? What, exactly, are the Pentagon, intelligence community, or defense contractors working on that, from a

For the first time in more than half a century, a US-built spacecraft has made a soft landing on the moon. There was high drama and plenty of intrigue on Thursday evening as Intuitive Machines attempted to land its Odysseus spacecraft in a small crater not all that far from the south pole of the