Browsing: Space

“Where did all this come from? How did it all get started?” These are the questions that “The answer: “. “About 100 years ago, Einstein gave us a clue to that, which was that there were these objects called gravitational waves, which are essentially waves that are given off by objects because of their gravity,”

The universe is a hologram. At least, that’s one of the central ideas in celestial holography, which is what “. Celestial holography explores the idea that our perception of reality is projected inward from some sort of wrapper around the universe. It’s a useful way to conceive of the universe when it comes to theoretical

If founder Elon Musk’s vision comes to pass, later this decade SpaceX’s Starship could transport astronauts and private passengers to the moon—and perhaps a decade or two later, “, surviving stage separation and crossing the edge of space before “The rocket didn’t last long into its intended 90-minute round-the-world journey, but space industry watchers hailed